Principal's message


"Children cannot be made good by making them happy but they can be made happy by making them good". In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, the maximum cooperation between parents and the school authorities is desired. We earnestly recommend that parents or guardians should look in to that the lessons and homework assigned for the next day or done. Children should be encouraged to cultivate the habit of neatness. Remarks made in the calender should be seen and acknowledged.

In order to develop all-round personality of the students, the school organizes various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities such as competitions,picnics,annual sports and gathering.Please encourage your children to take maximum interest in all the activities. If you feel that your children do not make the desired progress the headmaster may be consulted. Parents/guardians should attend the parents meeting organized from time to time.

Criticism of your children's teachers or school in their prescence should be avoided,because it cause them to lose respect for their teachers with a consequent failure to learn from the teacher. If you have legitimate complaint, please see the headmaster. Withdrawl of your child from a class for mere social functions is not recommended, because it retards their progress in school and miniizes their respect for the regular hard work.